Bmw for Rent (2014-2017)
Vehicle details: bmw
Modal: 2013 To 2017
AC: Yes.
Number of doors: 4.
Number of passengers: 4+1=5.
Luggage capacity: As per need.
Available For Rent: Hourly, Daily and Monthly basis.
Condition: Fully Fresh, Super Cool AC.
Fuel Type: Petrol/.
Daily Rent: Dhaka Metro BDT 35,000. to 40,000. and out side Dhaka BDT 35,000 to 40,000. (Depend on distance), Rental rates are excluding other cost e.g. fuel, toll, food and tour allowance.
Drivers Allowance: BDT 1,000. for night stay only.
Fuel Cost: The cost will be paid by the client, Octen per km 40/=.
Package for Dhaka Mtro City: BDT 40,000. (Including all).
Monthly Rent: BDT 00,000. Rental rates are excluding other cost e.g. fuel, toll, food and tour allowance.
BMW for Rent (2010-2012)
Vehicle details: bmw.
Modal: 2010 to 2011.
AC: Yes.
Number of doors: 4.
Number of passengers: 4+1=5.
Luggage capacity: As per need.
Available For Rent: Hourly, Daily and Monthly basis.
Condition: Fully Fresh, Super Cool AC.
Fuel Type: Petrol/Octane
Daily Rent: Dhaka Metro BDT 30,000. to 30,000. and out side Dhaka BDT 35,000 to 40,000. (Depend on distance), Rental rates are excluding other cost e.g. fuel, toll, food and tour allowance.
Drivers Allowance: BDT 1,000. for night stay only.
Fuel Cost: The cost will be paid by the client, Octen per km 40/
Package for Dhaka Mtro City: BDT 37,000. (Including all.
Monthly Rent: BDT 00,000 Rental rates are excluding other cost e.g. fuel, toll, food and tour allowance.